Sunday, November 11, 2012

Family Friendly Hiking Locations

With the winter almost here in Okinawa I have been preparing for some wintertime hiking in the mountains of Northern Okinawa. I made a comment on my Facebook page and received  a comment from a viewer which stated:
Hey if I know of any good hiking routes let me know. It would be something that my family could all do together and stay fit while doing it.

I could have answered this question in a few different ways but the one that I figure is the easiest is to get the information out there is to simply link to a blog post so here we are. Below I will link and tell you a little bit about some of the locations that I have been hiking recently which are what I would consider family friendly.

Yamada Hiking Trails 

What You Need To Know: 

- This is not a stroller friendly hiking location. 

- There are lots of steep stairs and slick ground to include coral and mud.

- There is no shortage of large bugs like spiders and potentially snakes depending on the time of year. 

- Supervision of children under 10 highly recommended. 

Sueyoshi Park 

What You Need To Know: 

- Some of the trails are stroller friendly, other's aren't. 

- This is an UP HILL LOCATION so be ready for some intense climbing even if it is on pavement. 


Aha Dam 

What You Need To Know: 

- Stroller Friendly 

- Perfect For Family Fun 

Hiji Falls 

What You Need To Know: 

- This is not a stroller friendly location.

- Lots of stairs and lots of up hill 

Ginowan Bypass 

What You Need To Know: 

- This location is stroller friendly and perfect for families. 

- Beautiful view 

- Places to eat and use the rest room along the way 

Kakazu Ridge Park 

What You Need To Know: 

- Exploring the park itself is not stroller friendly. 

- Lots of stairs. 



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